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All Wreckers
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Equipment Specs
General Information
- VIN: 1XP5DB9X3ND318828
- Year: 1992
- Model: 379
- Availability : Available
- Stock Number: 10010207`
- Status: Used
- A/C Condition Fair
- Air Conditioning Yes
- Axle Tandem
- Cab Extended Cab
- Collisionmitigationsystem No
- Color White
- Differential Lock Yes
- Driver Position Left Hand Drive
- Dual Breathers Yes
- Dual Exhuast Yes
- Engine CUMMINS
- Engine Brake Yes
- Engine Size 15.7
- Engine Type ISX
- EnginesizeUnit Engine Liter
- Front Axle Lbs 12000
- FrontaxlelbsUnit Pound
- Fuel Type Diesel
- Glider Kit No
- Gross Vehicle Weight 50000
- Gross Vehicle Weight Rating Class 8
- GrossvehicleweightUnit Pound
- Hassleeper Yes
- Headache Rack No
- Heated Mirror No
- Horsepower 450
- HorsepowerUnit Horsepower
- Hours Meter Inaccurate 0
- Mileage 1327702
- MileageUnit Mile
- Navigation No
- Num Speeds 18 Spd
- Numberofbeds 1
- Overdrive Yes
- Power Locks No
- Power Steering Yes
- Power Windows Both
- Rear Axle Lbs 38000
- RearaxlelbsUnit Pound
- Rebuilttitle No
- Sleeper Mid Roof Sleeper
- Sleeper Size 60
- SleepersizeUnit Inch
- Super Singles No
- Suspension Air Ride
- Tires 11R 24.5
- Transmanufacturer EATON-FULLER
- Transmission Manual
- Transmission Rebuilt Yes
- Turbo Yes
- Wet Kit No
- Wheel Base 350
- WheelbaseUnit Inch
- Wheels Aluminum/Steel
General Description & Dealer Notes
1992 Peterbilt 379. 2009 ISX Cummins 450HP. 13 Speed. Chrome bumper, 60" Sleeper. 12K front 38K rear 11R 24.5. Tires. 3 Stage Jake. Dual vertical exhausts. Air ride Driver seat. Dual 100-gallon tanks. Chrome bumper,
Air-ride rear suspension with Dump valve. 50,000 GVWR.
The engine replaced in 2014.. with 2009 ISX , invoices from when the engine was replaced. On the third page of the handwritten invoice it states 118,000 miles on engine & Transmission,
There were 1,055,318 miles on the 1992 Pete when the engine was installed. It was put into the truck on 7/15/2014.- 18 speed transmission into the truck at that time also.
inspection notes.
Brakes Front: Left_80_% Right_80_% F. Rear: Left_50_% Right_50_% R.Rear_95_%_40_% Tires: Tread _19/32 18/32 F.Rear _11/32 15/32 18/32 18/32 R.Rear 10/32 12/32 6/32 14/32 A/C in op.. Need Latch for toolbox door. Bumper guide gone. Wire controls in - op.
Notes: engine done with 1055318.. changed to 2009 ISX 450HP
UNIT PRICED with the inspection report findings in mind.
Vulcan V 60 30 ton.. Dual 30K winches, Air Free release.
Wire remote
Bus bars
wide load bar
Floor mounted switch panel
3 FXN in cab controls for underlift
Underlift 3 Stage- completely rebuilt 02-15-2024. Cylinders replaced., tubes re done.